As the twitter community grows, there are all sorts of fake profiles, profiles with no photo (which in general shows that the person doesn’t care about their twitter account), and twitter accounts which are not in English (I don’t like all of the non-English material in my twitter feed).
In the last few days, I went over 64,000 followers. In this post, I’m going to show you a free tool that I’m using to improve my twitter followers. For the last several weeks, I’ve been using a FREE tool called Manage Flitter. There is a paid portion of this tool but I’m only using the free version.
When I log on to this tool, it takes several minutes for it to load all of my follower and check them out. Then in a matter of seconds, it shows me some key aspects:
*People who aren’t following me but I’m following
*People who don’t have a photo in their profile (indicates they don’t use twitter much in the majority of cases)
*Fake or Spam twitter accounts
*Non-English Twitter accounts that I’m following
The program is easy to use and in a matter of a few minutes I can select these different groups and unfollow them quickly.
Tell me about your experience with Manage Flitter or other twitter tools. I’m always looking for ways to improve my Twitter account without spending loads of time on it.
W. Terry Whalin, a writer and acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing, lives in Irvine, California. He has written more than 60 nonfiction books including Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams. His website is located at: www.terrywhalin.com.
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